Posted on: January 10, 2023 Posted by: Comments: 0

Last Updated on March 29, 2023

Compare the cost of living for Asheville with other cities near and far.

Down the street or around the globe. Wherever you’re planning to move in the world, Allen Tate/Beverly-Hanks, REALTORSⓇ can be of assistance. That’s because we’re a proud member of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®, the premier international relocation network.

Our affiliation with LeadingRE means you receive world-class relocation services while maintaining personal connections with a locally-owned company. LeadingRE’s detailed Cost of Living Calculator is one of the many tools you can access at your fingertips.

Today, let’s compare the cost of living in Asheville with other cities near and far.

Compare the Cost of Living between Asheville and Locations across the United States

Leading RE’s FREE Cost of Living Calculator compares how much it costs to live in any two communities across the United States. Compare schools in Denver and Miami, businesses in Brooklyn and Santa Fe, home values in Asheville and Waynesville, and more—all with the touch of a button.


For the sake of comparison, let’s look at Asheville versus Hendersonville, both in Western North Carolina. Then, let’s see how Asheville matches up to our “keep this place weird” sister city, Austin, Texas. Here are some examples of the information you’ll find:

Buying Power: Asheville vs Hendersonville, NC
Buying Power: Asheville vs Austin, TX

Buying Power

Compare a $1,000 bundle of goods and services to see where your money goes further.

As you can see, your overall buying power in Asheville and Hendersonville is relatively similar. In fact, goods and services are slightly lower in Asheville: 3% less expensive. In comparison, overall budgets in Austin are more aligned with Hendersonville than we would have guessed. The buying power meters are identical! Compared to spending $1,000 in Asheville, it would cost you $1,037 in both Hendersonville and Austin for the same goods or services.

Cost Index: Asheville vs Hendersonville, NC
Cost Index: Asheville vs Austin, TX

Cost Index

Compare costs between several common household expenditure categories.

The LeadingRE cost index breaks down several of the categories included in a city’s buying power score. These common expenses—including apparel, entertainment, food, health, and transportation—give you a better idea of how your monthly expenses may stack up.

Again, we see that Asheville and Hendersonville are relatively similar, both hovering just above the average mark, with Hendersonville at a slight increase in cost nearly across the board. But Asheville and Austin vary in some key categories. Entertainment, food, and transportation look to be almost identical, but healthcare is noticeably more affordable in Austin. On the other hand, apparel and especially education are noticeably more expensive.

Age Demographics: Asheville vs Hendersonville, NC
Age Demographics: Asheville vs Austin, TX

Demographics: Ages

Examine the demographics of two communities, including the age of residents.

Do you believe that a city’s vitality is related to its residents’…errm…vivacity? Then perhaps you’d be interested to know the ages of local residents before you move. 

In this example, we can see that Asheville has more college-aged people and young professionals than Hendersonville, which definitely skews more toward retirees. However, Austin beats Asheville there, too. Compared to Austin, Asheville looks like a retiree hotspot! It must be our cool mountain air….

Begin Your Cost of Living Comparison for Asheville Now

There are more categories available for review in these helpful Cost of Living Calculator reports, including employment and education breakdowns and average annual weather. Use the reports to compare Asheville with communities across Western North Carolina or any other city in the United States.


All real estate is local. In order to make confident real estate decisions, it’s important to have timely and neighborhood-specific information. Contact us today to speak with an Allen Tate/Beverly-Hanks real estate agent about buying homes and land in Western North Carolina. View homes for sale in Asheville, NC here.

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